Pockie Pirate Wiki


Player of lv32 and above can access the new sailing / sea navigaton system through this icon, which is located at the bottom right.


This is the first harbour when u first enter to the Sailing System. West Affliation starts at St Croix, while East Affliation starts at Shimotsuki.

Function of the Building

Building Function
Major House Submit sea navigation task, cooking task and donation.
Bar Refill sailor, food and repair ship.
Trading Post Buy and sell specialty and material to upgrade the sailing ship.

First 10000 stamina repaired at very cheap price.


Sailing interface. There are 2 daily tasks for the new system, sea navigation task and cooking task. Both task is similar. Sea navigation task is to visit a major in a harbour, while cooking task is to delivery a food to the major.


Worldmap. Red circle require Navigation lv 38, Purple circle require Navigation lv 28. Green Square is dungeon for newbie, Blue Square is easy dungeon, Purple Square is medium dungeon, Red Square is hard dungeon.
